🍂Raking Leaves 🍂

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Bad had to get the chores done around the house because he knew his lover wasn't going to do it and then the house would stay dirty untill they needed to find something or untill Bad had enough looking at the mess and end up cleaning the house  himself.  He had just about finish cleaning for the day when he notices he had one more chore to do which was to rake leaves which he really didn't mind at all since he likes the beautiful colors of the leaves along with the  nice weather outside. He puts some warmer clothes on,then heads outside and into the shed where he gets the rake that was in there ,and begins to rake the leaves. After some time he had finishing raking and felt accomplished of himself, but then out of nowhere Sapnap had to jumped into the leaf pile causing the leaves to go everwhere,"Sapnap! I just got done raking our back yard!" Bad said to his boyfriend who chuckles at him. "You knew this was going to happen sooner or later. Heck I bet even you wanted to jump in as well after you were done!" He said then pulls Bad down to kiss him earning a pout from him."I loveee you.Thank you for cleaning today. I'll make sure to do stuff for you tomorrow and listen." Sapnap said smiling  then kisses Bad some more. "Alright,imma take you up on that offer and you better do it too!" Bad said giggling taking a leaf out of Sapnap's hair then kisses him back,"I love you too. Now let's make more leaf piles so we can jump in them untill dark,and maybe get something warm to drink too!" He said excitedly earning a smile from Sapnap,"Yeah,I would love to do that with you Baby." Sapnap says staring lovingly at Bad.

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