💅Painting Nails 💅

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Sapnap smiles at Karl watching him paint his nails a pinkish purple color ,"Woah,you're surprising good at this! You haven't messed up at all!" He said amazed earning a chuckle from the other. " I don't have shakey hands, so I can paint nails without a problem." Karl explained. "Bruhhh I don't want shakey hands,last time I painted Dream's nails I accidentally fucked up and ruined them,and Dream got upset at me for it." Sapnap whined,"I didn't mean too!" He added with a pout. "Aww it's okay,there's always next time,if not then you can paint my nails whenever you like." Karl said with a smile. "Really?! Awesome!!" Sapnap said happily as Karl put the top back on ,"What do you think?" He asked . "This is so pog!!  Take a picture of my nails and post it!!" Sapnap said excitingly as Karl takes a picture then posts it. "When my nails are done drying  I'm totally gonna do yours!" Sapnap said. "Alright!" Karl said giving him a smile.

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