Hanging lights

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Jslchatt was sleeping peacefully siting criss-cross apple sauce on the floor, he didn't hear the two young boys coming in or the racket they were making. Tommy begins wrapping Christmas lights around Jslchatt's body as Tubbo wraps some lights around his head and horns,"This will makes him less scary for sure!" Tubbo said to Tommy who quickly agreed with him. Jslchatt eventually wakes up then glares at the two boys,"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He asked annoyed. "Jeez someone's not a morning person." Tommy said ignoring Jslchatt's question. "Why did you wrap lights around me?" He asked but got no answer. Tubbo and Tommy finish wrapping lights around Jslchatt and chuckles at their finish result,they took a picture and ran away leaving Jslchatt by himself. Few mins after the boys left Technoblade comes walking in Jslchatt's house with a handband with a star on top of it as his hair was all tied up, and he quickly stares at the other man,"They got you too huh?" He asked. "Get me untied." Jslchatt said and Techno unties him. "Thank you." He adds. "No problem. "Techno replies.

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