Road Trip

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Tw:Smut  👀👀  if you don't like smut then instead  read my other one-shots that are fluff or angst that I made :D

Requested by Pokiebet

Enjoy :>

Eret,Philza,Quackity,Dream,Sapnap,George,Wilbur,Niki,Tommy,Tubbo,Jslchatt,Fundy,Skeppy,and Bad decided that they would all meet up and go for a road trip to some National Park, of course all fourteen of them wouldn't fit in one rental car so Dream orders two rental cars that way they all wouldn't be all squish together. In one car it will be Dream,George, Sapnap,Quackity, Jslchatt, Bad,and Skeppy,and In the other car it will be the rest of the remaining people.  Before they got on the road they agreed on taking turns when driving if someone wants to have a break or sleep,of course they wouldn't let the minors drive because obvious reasons. They then head out onto the road driving for several hours making sure to make stops at gas stations just in case someone needed to go to the restroom or if they wanted a snack or something, then they would go back right onto the road. After awhile it soon became dark and the only ones who were up were  Bad,who was driving,Dream,George, and Sapnap, along with Philza who was driving in the other car. Skeppy was passed out,Jslchatt and Quackity were sleeping while sharing a blanket that they had fought over with earlier,and the others were pretty much dead alseep. Sapnap was in the middle with Dream on his left,and George on his right, they were talking about nothing to special but they somehow ending up having a silent contest, and they bet Sapnap would lose first since they know how much of a chatterbox he is. Dream tried tickling him,that didn't work,George tried annoying him by poking and pinching him,that almost got Sapnap but then he does it back to George quickly ending the poking and pinching war between them.  Dream comes up with an idea then smirks taking his phone out and quickly texts George his plan making him smirk as well. Sapnap saw the smirks on their faces,he didn't like it but he wasn't about to lose to these losers and would accept any challenge they brought to him. Sapnap then jumps slightly feeling George's lips pressed again the side of his neck,and immediately tried pushing him away,but then feels Dream's lips on the other side of his neck causing Sapnap to sliently shake his head no pointing to Bad who was driving and still awake,also not wanting to ruin Bad's  innocence. Dream gets his phone out typing something then shows it to Sapnap.

'Then,don't make any noises and his innocents will be saved'. The message said.

Sapnap bites his lip nervously as he looks back at Bad who was paying attention to the road then back at Dream slowly nodding his head making the two other men grin at Sapnap. George was the first one to make the move by slipping his hands up Sapnap's shirt,pinching and pulling at Sapnap's nipples,as Sapnap quickly puts his hand over his mouth.   Dream moves Sapnap's hand away and replaces it with his lips then lifts his shirt up  putting his lips on his nipples kissing and gently biting at them. Sapnap almost lets out a moan but quickly stops himself, he was ready for any challenge but this type of challenge  he wasn't ready for. He desperately tried not to let out a moan or any nosies that could make him lose. George started biting and marking Sapnap's neck leaving visible hickeys and brusies while sliding his hand down Sapnap's pants slowly stroking him through his boxers.The reaven haired man quickly hid his face in George's chest and bites his lips letting out a small whimper only loud enough for Dream and George to hear causing them both to grin . "You  lose Sapnap~"George whispers in his ear stroking him alittle faster making a small moan escape from the raven haired man. "Is everything okay back there?"Bad asked concern obviously hearing the sound Sapnap had made. "Yeahh,no worries. Sapnap  was moaning and groaning about how much room we take up back here,but I kept telling him there's plenty of room and needed  to stop complaing." Dream responded as he slowly slides Sapnap's pants down some. "Ohh okay! That silly muffinhead." Bad said with a smile then continue to focus on the road. Dream places his mouth around Sapnap's dick bobbing his head up and down as George was quick to put his hand over Sapnap's mouth and have his other hand stroking him as  Dream sucks him off as well. Sapnap bucks his hips wanting more of Dream's mouth and George's hand while  trying to hold his moans and whimpers in. His mind goes blank as Dream suddenly takes all of his dick feeling him hitting the back of his throat causing him gasp. "If the back is an issue,would you like me to stop the car so that you can move to the front. There's plenty of space up here." Bad suggested while his eyes were on the road. "You better answer him~." George whispers moving his hand away  as Dream silently begins deep throating Sapnap. "A-ah! No it's fine! I promise. Sorry for the trouble!" The black haired man said letting out a gasp while grabbing Dream's hair thrusting into his mouth. "It's not a problem,just wanting to make sure you're comfortable. " Bad said with a smile. Some tears came running down Sapnap's face as he comes within seconds as George quickly kisses him so that Bad wouldn't hear the moan he let out. Sapnap takes some breathes ,"Y-Yeah...thanks for worrying about me." He sighed softly feeling Dream remove his mouth then blushes as he watches Dream licking his lips that had some cum on them. George pulls Sapnap's pants back up  then kisses him whispering compliments to him as Dream does the same. "It's getting late, let's get some rest before it's morning or whenever Bad gets tired of driving." Dream said softly. Sapnap nods tiredly, resting his head on George's shoulder closing his eyes feeling sleep take over him hearing both George and Dream whispering that they love him.

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