🦃🍽Thanksgiving Dinner 🦃🍽

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Happy Thanksgiving, if you celebrate it!! What's your favorite food(s) to eat on Thanksgiving? Mine are Turkey,rolls,Mash potatoes and gravy,and green bean casserole.
Any plans for today???

I'm gonna write alot,eat,sleep,play games,and watch anime.

It was Thanksgiving day and everyone you knew came to Dream's dinner party even the ones who don't usually celebrate it came.They all sat down eat turkey and other food that were there,they chatted with one enough, enjoying themselves. The love birds aka Quackity and Jschlatt would occasionally fed each other ignoring what the others were doing because they were just being their crack head selves along with sometimes bickering about dumb stuff. Jschlatt smiles at Quackity feeding him some mash potatoes then he would kiss him to get a taste of it. "You know you could just eat some mash potatoes so that way you can actually taste it right?" Quackity said. "I know I could,but it's more fun that way so shut up and let me feed you,so I can just kiss you." Jschlatt said slightly annoyed. Quackity lets out a giggle and gives his boyfriend a kiss as he gently rub the mans horns causing Jschlatt to push him away in embarrassment. "Honey Sickle, you know how much my horns are sensitive. Not here at the party please." He said lowly not looking at the other. Quackity smiles ,"Of coures." Then kisses him."Come on let's go talk to everyone and be social " he adds immediately causing Jschlatt to groan. "Fineee, we can kiss first then talk later." Quackity said sighing making his boyfriend smile quickly at him. The goat man places his lips onto his boyfriend's,kissing him then enters his  tounge in Quackity's mouth who accepts and now they are tongue wrestling, they didn't stop until they hear Dream,Sapnap, and Wilbur Ewing them loudly causing them to break their kiss. Quackity looking embarrassed and Jschlatt with a big smirk on his face,"You're just jealous because you three are single and can't make out with your dates." Jschlatt said then quickly went back to making out with his boyfriend not caring if they watched or not.

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