Treated As A Person

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Fundy sits down on a stomp near a wooded area letting out a sigh,"I wish they would take me serious,but no they laugh at me thinking I am a joke. They call me mean names and treat me differently because I'm a fox,sure.. it was funny at first...but I'm starting to think that they don't treat me as an equal.." he said with a frown. "Why can't they treat me like they treat one another? Would it be different if I wasn't like this? Should I change myself for them? I have a feeling even if I did change my self they would still make fun of me because I'm still ya know...a furry or a fox ...." he felt tears run down his face as he hugs himself wrapping his tail around him,"I just want to be love. I just want to be treated like a normal person despite what I am,what I look like,and what things I like. Why is the world so cruel?.." he ask himself. He then felt a hand on his shoulder and looks over at the person touching him,it was Dream, "What do you want?.. here to make fun of me?" he asked. Dream shakes his head then sits next to him wrapping an arm around Fundy,"It doesn't matter if you're a fox or not ,it doesn't matter if you're a furry either. The only thing that matters if that you are happy,if you don't like how people are treating you then stand up for yourself, if you can't do that I'll do it for you. I don't want you to suffer,everyone will change how they will treat you once you speak up. No need to worry what they think because I know each one of them,and I know they care for their friends and I know they will stop treating you like that ,and treat you like a normal person."The mask man said. A smile appears on Fundy's face,"Thanks.. I will let them know and confront them. I appreciate it Dream,thank you again." He said quickly hugging Dream. "I'm always here for a friend,you're welcome. " Dream said hugging back.

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