Hurricane 🌀

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I got this idea because a hurricane is near Florida and yeah I'm in Fl along with tropical storms happening too, sooooo yeahhh


George hugs Dream tightly as they were in a bathtub with blankets and pillows,"Dream,I'm scared! What happens if we die?" George asked worriedly,never been in a hurricane before. Dream rubs George's back,"It's going to be okay. No need to worry." He said to George giving him kisses. "What happens if the roof comes off!?  What happens if we don't make it?!" George said starting to cry. Dream kept kissing George,"Then I'll protect you with my life making sure you'll make it. I will literally die for you." He said whispering to George who cried harder at what he had said. Dream let George cry it out while whispering comforting things to him. George then sniffs starting to calm down alittle,"if we don't make it ,I just wanted to say I love you.." he said giving Dream a kiss. Dream smiles kissing him back,"I love you too,let's try to rest alittle. If anything happens I'll wake you up and let you know." Dream said refuring to the amber alerts along with checking the weather on his phone. George nods his head slowly closing his trying to relax but ends up jumping slightly every time he hears the wind pick up or hear crashing sounds that's happening outside. Dream holds George tighter giving him gentle kisses,"Don't worry,you'll be okay." He said softly. After awhile George eventually fell asleep on top of Dream who was rocking them gently back and forth keeping an out on things just in case they turn for the worst and have to duck and cover method that you learn in schools. Dream's phone went off and he quickly goes read the amber alert reading that the tornado had passed,he smiles and lets out a sigh of relief glad that they are safe. He puts his phone down and kisses George once more before he,himself goes to sleep not having to worry anymore about the hurricane.

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