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Wilbur flops down onto his bed sighing loudly,this week hasn't been the best for him and he wanted to just forget about it too.He hears a knock at his door causing him to groan because he just wanted to be left alone,"Come in.." he said loud enough for the person knocking to hear. He hears the door opening ,"Hey there,how are you feeling?" Philza asked walking in then sits at the end of Wilbur's bed. "Mmm...been better." He repiles to the father figure.  "When something is bothering me I like to talk about it,maybe talking about it may help you feel better."The blonde said.  Wilbur stayed silent before sitting up,"Okay.. well umm....lately I've been feeling stress, like nothing can go my way you know? I wish things would of ended  differently. "Wilbur said sighing once again. Philza listens to Wilbur then gives him a small smile,"I understand how that feels,We can't change what happens but we can learn from it, then when or if the same events happens again we can prevent it from happening again and maybe you'll feel happy about how the outcome will turn out the second time." He said then held his arms out for Wilbur to hug him,which Wilbur gladly  did. "Thank you,for the advice.." Wilbur said feeling slightly better. "No problem, that's what I'm here for,to comfort my children." Philza said with a small laugh,"Come on,i made some  Pumpkin Pie, unless you don't want to join me but mope around some more instead." He adds. Wilbur smiles,"Nah,I'll join." He said as they got up from the bed and went to get some pumpkin pie.

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