Mornings be like ♡

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Darryl woke up with the feeling of Dream's arms holding him and tried to get out of his grip which got stronger,"Dreammmmmm,let me goo. We gotta get up and do something productive today." Bad said whining as Clay ignores him then gives him kisses."Clayyyyy,come on you muffin head let's go get some breakfast. " he says. "I don't feel like moving. I just wanna cuddle and sleep all day with my baby." Dream says earning a frustrating groan from Darryl. "Clay,we did that yesterday we gotta do something productive today like streaming or record or something like that!" Bad insists on being productive. Dream kept ignoring Bad's pleads then looked at his phone turning it on to see what time it was,"Mmmh it's only like three pm,we're good." He said setting his phone down and went back to kissing Darryl. "Dream! Oh my goodness! Come on,Stop it! "Bad said trying to move away from Dream, so he would do something productive then that way his boyfriend would be force to do something productive as well. Bad managed to get out of Dream's arms earning a whine from him,"Come on you muffin head ,let's do some recording or go streaming together!"Bad said trying to hype Dream up who just puts the blanket over himself. "Dream!!" He said  then takes the blanket off of him,"Come on! Please for me honey bear?" He asked sadly making Dream groan and getting up  hugging  him,"Fine,only because I love you and I hate seeing my muffin sad." He said pecking Darryl's lips earning a giggle from him. "Now,let's do some streaming and then we can cuddle after deal?" He asked. "Yeah deal!" Bad smiles then gives his love muffin kisses.

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