⚰🌾Buried Alive⚰🌾(🔪)

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Dream carries the tied up Sapnap outside dropping him on the ground. Dream grabs a shovel and starts digging a hole tossing the dirt to the side as Sapnap tried to wiggle away from Dream while he was busy, but it was no use since he was tied up and couldn't  do much since he wouldn't be able  to use his hands and feet. Once Dream was finished digging he walks over to Sapnap picking him up then dropping him in the hole. Sapnap cries out and squirms even more as Dream starts putting the dirt back in the hole. Sapnap begins to cry feeling like there's nothing he could do to stop Dream,no one would hear him. He felt dirt on his face moving his head alittle trying to get the dirt off of him but failed as his friend kept dropping the dirt. The pressure of the dirt was beginning to feel uncomfortable and he was starting to lose oxygen as the dirt kept piling up,never in a million years Sapnap would of thought he would of been  buried alive especially not by his best friend.

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