🎄Town's Christmas Tree🎄

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Philza held Tommy's hand as they walked around town,they had boughton some gifts for Wilbur, Techno, and Tubbo from different stores,all this shopping was making Tommy hungry,"Dad,I'm hungry." Tommy said pulling at his father's hand. "Alright,let's get a bite to eat then." Philza said and looked around to see what restaurants were around and went into a McSonalds. Philza orders Tommy a happy meal because he knows Tommy likes the toys they have,and he got himself a combo meal . When the food was ready Philza and Tommy head to a booth and sat down. He gives Tommy his happy meal and takes the wrapper off of his counter pounder,beginning to eat it. Tommy looks out the window and his eyes widen,"Dad,look!"he said making Philza look out the window and smile. "They are putting up the Christmas tree ,when they finish putting it up the tree and decorating it would you like to see it at nighttime with your brothers?" He asked . Tommy nods his head excitedly wanting to see the tree once it was finish being put up.

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