What do you like about me?

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Sapnap jumps onto George's lap quickly wrapping his arms around
his lover and nuzzles him."Baby?"The raven haired boy said earning a hum from his lover. "What do you like most about me?" He asked. George smiles and kisses him,"I love your smile,your sense of humor even though you can be annoying sometimes,how you really care about your friends which is really sweet,and I love how lovey dovey and clingy you get." He answered his boyfriend making him smile in return. "Awwww,I love you too!" Sapnap said giggling then kissed George all over his face. "What do you like about me?" George asked which Sapnap quickly responds,"You're smart,sarcastic,and mean" he said causing him to frown. "You're supposed to tell me what you like about me!" George said annoyed causing Sapnap to giggle ,"Just kidding! You're always here for me,you give the best kisses ever even though you refuse to kiss me sometimes." He said pouting at the last part but then smiles,"I love how you hold me with care,how you play with my hair, I love how rough you are with me in bed knowing that you don't have to worry about  breaking me. I think that's it." He said smiling. George kisses him,wrapping his arms around the other,"Please stay with me forever." The British boy said making Sapnap smile softly at him.

"Of course I will."

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