🎃Carving Pumpkins 🎃

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It was officially October meaning Dream could finally do his favorite activity with his boyfriend which was carving pumpkins. When the first of October came he ran to his boyfriend aka George asking him if they could carve alot of pumpkins which George agreed to since it sounded like fun. They head to the store to buy some pumpkins then came back home setting the pumpkins down. George got a pumpkin carving knife while Dream decides to be edgy and use an sharp knife,"Dream,I don't think that's a good idea.What happens if you cut yourself or lose a hand ?" George asked nervously as he watches dream starting to cut in the pumpkin from the top. "Nahh,I'll be fine. Don't worry about me ,if I do somehow cut myself I'll just stop and patch myself up then continue working on the pumkin. The blood will give it character. " Dream said as George quickly takes the knife away from his boyfriend and hands him a knife that's use on pumpkins because he didn't want his boyfriend to hurt himself ."Boo,you're no fun." Dream huffs but uses the pumpkin knife instead,after an hour or so had passed they had finish carving and scooping the pumpkins.George carved a simple cat face in his pumpkin for remembrance of his passing cat ,and Dream had carve his own minecraft face in the pumpkin. " Wow,aren't we narcissistic ?" Geroge said looking at Dream's pumpkin. "Hey,don't hate. You know you love seeing this handsome face." Dream said getting a small candle light and putting it in his pumpkin then hands George a light and he does the same thing. "What should we do for the seeds?" Dream asked.  George thought for a moment,"People usually roast them and eat them so we could do that. I don't think there's any other way to eat the seeds besides eating them raw or roasting them." He replies.  "Alright,sounds like a good idea. Pumpkins only last for like five days so we should probably replace them when they start to rot,also before Halloween comes we should alot of scary pumpkin faces! Our house will be so cool!" Dream said excitedly earning a chuckle from George who kisses him,"You sure do love carving pumpkins huh?" He said as Dream grins and nods. "Yeah I do,but not as much as I love you." Dream said wrapping his arms around his lover and starts kissing him. George smiles and kisses back," let's get these pumpkins outside then turn the lights on in them when it becomes dark." He said. "Alright sure thing pumpkin." Dream said as they took the pumpkins outside and place them on both side of the door so everyone could see their masterpieces. "Wanna watch The Nightmare before Christmas in the mean time to kill some time since ya know it's still light outside?" Dream asked as George smiles at him. "Yeahh I would love to."he said taking Dream's hand and went back inside to watch the movie.

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