🌃Midnight Walk🌃

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It was night time around midnight or so and Dream,Sapnap, and George decided to go for a walk to get some fresh air and talk.They sat down on the grass looking up at the sky admiring the stars,"Wow so beautiful!"George said smiling softly."Not as beautiful as you."Dream said then pecks the British boy's lips. "Hey! That's my line. " Sapnap said pouting then kisses George also. "You were to slow like always." Dream said rolling his eyes. "Hey! Be nice you two! We came put here to relax not to fight." George scolds them both. "Sorry.." The other two said together. " Good,now kiss and make up." George said. Dream and Sapnap looked at each other then  kissed,"I'm sorry for calling you slow,even though you are." Dream said. "I'm sorry you're such a bitch boy and a simp." Sapnap said. The two stared at each other and started laughing making George sigh at them then smiles,"What am I going to do with you two?" He asked. "Love us." Dream said. "And give us tons of kisses!" Sapnap added. George gives both of the two men kisses making them happy as they kissed George back.

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