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Requested by Gamerluna44

I made two maidnap smuts because I didn't like how the first one came out,but I'll be posting both anyhow.

Sapnap was pushed down onto the bed roughly by Dream who quickly climbed on top of him,"So you think it's funny to dress like that and show yourself off to our friends like that?" Dream asked  referring to the maid outfit that Sapnap was wearing. "It's not that bad!" Sapnap said trying to defend himself. Dream glares down at him,"Not that bad?Your dress is so short that when you bend over everyone can see that little ass of yours!" he hissed out slapping Sapnap's thigh earning a whimper from him. "I'm sorry!" Sapnap said with a small moan earning a low growl from him. "Sorry,doesn't cut it! The worse part is that you let Wilbur touch you all over, and you even had the never to tease me! Bad little boys deserve to be punished!" Dream said pissed off making his boyfriend whimper. Dream roughly kisses Sapnap grinding against him then whispers insults in his ear which turns Sapnap on even more. He takes off Sapnap's underwear,"Tsk,can't believe you would wear lacy underwear under that you slut."he said pulling down his pants along boxers then enters himself roughly into Sapnap without warning causing the boy to cry out,"D-Dream!"he said digging his nails into him.  Dream may wanted to punish his baby but he didn't want to hurt him either so he let him have time adjust,in the meantime he places his lips onto Sapnap's neck and bites him making sure to leave bruises on him earning another moan.  "D-Dream!" Sapnap gasped then slowly nods letting Dream know that he can move. Dream wasted no time and begins moving his hips pounding into him while placing his hand onto Sapnap's neck tightly earning a scream from Sapnap because of how rough Dream was being with him. Sapnap eyes begins to water from the pain and pleasure,slightly arching his back,"D-Dream! I-I'm going to cum!" He shouts out which cause Dream to stop immediately. "This is a punishment, you don't get what you want." His voice filled with venom as he grabs a cock ring and places it onto his lover making him whimper. "D-Dream! Please! I'm sorry!" Sapnap begged as his dick throbbed in pain waiting to be relase but couldn't because of the ring."I know you are." Dream said giving him a kiss then continues to thrust into the male ignore his cries and pleads,eventually Dream comes roughly into Sapnap who just cries because he couldn't release himself. Dream pulls out of him pulling his pants up then kisses him,"You did good baby." He said whispering into his ear gently kissing it. "D-Dream...please.." Sapnap begged then sniffs. "Fine,I'll let you off this once,but do this again and I won't let you cum for two days got it?" Dream said strictly.  Sapnap quickly nods his head,"I promise to be a good boy!" He said as Dream takes the ring off placing his hand around Sapnap quickly and roughly jerks him off making Sapnap cry out as he came instantly shaking slightly.  "Thank you.." Sapnap said with his voice cracking earning another kiss. "You're welcome." Dream said kissing him then gets up to go to his bathroom then comes back out with a wet rag in his hand and quickly cleans Sapnap up along with taking the ruined dress off of him. He pulls the blanket over his lover,"When you wake up I'll have dinner ready for you,then we can cuddle. get some rest okay?" He said earning a small nod from the tired Sapnap, "I love you.." he said making Dream smile and kiss him again. "I love you too." Dream said before he left the room to plan and get started on dinner as his baby sleeps for a bit.

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