George In Wonderland

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It's 3am and I'm not gonna proof read so enjoy-

I'm sleepy-

Cheshire cat-Sapnap
The blonde  rabbit-Dream
Mad hatter- Wilbur
Hare house-Tommy
Mallymkun the Dormouse-Tubbo
The king-techno
Alice- George
Eret- George's friend

If I did the whole damn story that'll be to long thdjsjjssjsjs. Alice in wonderland is my favorite movie and book- such a classic.


Eret and George sat in the fields where flowers surrounded them enjoying their picnic.  "Shall I read you a story while we relax?" He asked George, earning a nod from him as Eret begins to read to him. George lays down on the blanket closing his eyes as he listens to his friend reading to him,he suddenly hears Eret stop talking then opens his eyes to see that he had vanished then he here's a voice that's all frantic,"I'm late! I'm late!" The voice said,George sat up to see a man in all green with a happy face mask along with having blonde rabbit ears."Hey,have you seen my fri- " George cut himself as he relize that the man wasn't listening, and quickly got up to follow the man,who jumped down a big hole. George stops himself before he could fall down in it but it failed because the hole got bigger and he ended up falling down it anyways. He thought he would fall to his death but  gravity was slowed down and landed safely on the ground. He looks around yo see if he could find the blonde rabbit then he heard his voice in the distance, quickly following it. He somehow ended up in a forest not know his way,"Heyy there cutie ~~" George hears someone say while puring,he looks around to see no one but kept hear the man talk,"You're not from around here are you?" The voice said then appeard in front of George wearing black and while stripes clothing with ears and tails going along with it. One feature George wouldn't definitely forget is the mans big grin he had on his face,"Can you tell me where to go?" He asked the cat. "Depends where are you going?" The man replied before disappearing then appeard behind George hugging him. "Ummm..." George hasn't really thought about it ,"Whereever that rabbit went." He said. "Ooo~ That rabbit. He may seem like he cares if he was late but in reality he doesn't. " the raven haired man said with a laugh.  George groans not wanting to hear about unnecessary things,"Where did he go?" He asked once again. "Where did who go?" The cat man asked. "The blonde rabbit." George said feeling himself get impatient.  "What rabbit?" The man said with his grin getting even bigger clearly amused by this. George pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed,"if you aren't going to help me I'll find my own way then!" He said leaving the man ,"Good luck~" was the last thing he heard from that cheshire cat. George wonder around in the woods what seemed like ages the decided to take a seat on a log and thought about what he should do.  He sighed even more before getting back up again," Cat person thing I need your help!" He called out but got no response. He tried one more time but quickly gived up,he stands up and tries walking again,he didn't know how but he ended up finding himself a table with tons of desserts and teapots on it along with a man with brown locks wearing a hat with that had the number 10/6 on it and he took a guess that was his hat size or something, he then saw two boys. One was a young  blonde with rabbit ears,and the other one was a sleeping mouse with brown who wasn't disturb by the other two's loud talking. "Ummm excuse me?" George said politely getting their attention. "You're not excused! We've just started our tea party! Come join us!" The Mad hatter said with a smile. "I mustn't I must find the blonde rabbit!" George said. The man pointed to his friend over there,"There found him!! Now come join us!! " he said pouring tea in a teacup that was in another teacup. "No,not him! The other blonde rabbit who was shouting he was gonna be late." George said. "Wow okay rude,fuck you too. I'm about to stab this fool Wilbur!" The young blonde rabbit boy said with a huff. "Tommy don't, we gotta have our guess feel welcome not being rude to them." The older man said sighing then smiles back at George,"He's going to see the king,There's going to be something about a court going on about who's guilt or not." He adds. "Where's the king?" George. "In his castle." Wilbur answers.  "Where's the castle?". "In the woods." . George sighs loudly ,"I get that but where in the woods?! I don't know where the hell I am going!" He said annoyed.  "Don't fucking swear in front of children ! Asshat." Wilbur said annoyed at George. "Says the one who jus-" George was cut off by the sound of the blonde rabbit's voice and watched him run passed the table and quickly follows behind him."man... he's fast.." he breathes out.They ran what seemed like for ages but they stopped at a big castle like places with pigs for guards. Everything was the in color red,and George guess by the surrounding that the kind must of like the color alot,he was snapped out of thought when he saw the  blonde rabbit enter the place.The first thing George saw was nothing then a spot light had placed onto him then another spot light place on the king who appeard before him. His harsh stare looking down upon George,"State your name." The king said moving some of his pink hair out of his face. "My name is G-George.." He said imitated by the king who had his sword right next to him. " To be honest,I don't care about why you're here. I just want to kill you,you're not even worthy for the gods themselves." The king said standing up taking the sword into his hand and begins to walk towards Geroge.  Within a few seconds Geroge felt himself quickly running out of the castle,watching as Geroge runs away the king smirks,"We got ourselves a runner. Comeone let's get him." He said to the blonde as he quickly goes after Geroge with the blonde rabbit following close behind .George got far ahead but of course he had to trip on a tree root that was sticking up from the ground then tried to get up but was held down by the Cheshire cat that appeard once again,"Let me go!" George cried out bringing the king and the blonde rabbit's attention and find George quickly.  The king raised his sword  as George begins to panic realizing that he's going to die as he closes his eyes so he wouldn't have to see  when the blade was going to behead him. He waits for a min or two , nothing was happening ,he slowly opens his eyes to see the sun was setting and sat up to find his friend had finish the book. " ohh you're awake! Enjoy your nap?" He asked with a smile. "Heh,...yeah it was good.." Geroge said but on the inside he could feel his heart beating fast from it."it's getting late let's go pack up and head inside." Eret said to George making him nod . "Man.. what a weird dream.." George said mumbling to himself getting the blanket as Eret got the basket and book then they headed back to the house.

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