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It's been raining all day and Dream was starting to get bored of being inside all day he has done what was needed to do, he work on a video, did some streaming ,and he even watched a movie but somehow he was still bored. He enters the kitchen to see Sapnap there on his phone and walked up behind him and hugged him,"I love youu." He said kissing the other. "I love you too." Sapnap said before going back onto his phone earning a groan from Dream,"I'm bored. Entertain me." He said. "Weren't you like streaming or something earlier? Why didn't you stream longer ?" Sapnap asked. "As much as I love my fans and streaming I don't want to be inside most of the day." Dream replies. "Then go outside,no one is stopping you." His boyfriend said earning another kiss from Dream,"Will you come with me? I don't want to be standing in the rain by myself where I can have you to join me and we can have tons of fun or something I don't know. I just want to be outside for once." He said. "Yeah sure. If we get sick it's your fault." Sapnap said jokingly then sets his phone down and kisses Dream. "Thank you." Dream said smiling as they went to put on rain boots and coats then went  outside to play in puddles, dancing and playing in the rain,and they even decided to go for alittle walk then returing home before it got dark and got into new clothes. "Thanks for curing my boredom. " Dream said giving Sapnap a kiss. "Yeah,no problem.  " The other said holding Dream in his arms.

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