🏰Spending the night at a hunted vacation location🏰

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It's been awhile since Dream and Bad had a vacation together,their last vacation seemed like forever ago that they can't even remember when it was,but they decided to go to some hotel that had a pool to just relax and not having to worry about unloading. Dream made a post on Twitter about how he and Bad were going to have a few days off and take a vacation and the fans were alright with that."Woo! I'm so excited! I get to spend time with you and not have to worry about if you got enough sleep or not because of editing." Bad said excitedly making the other chuckle. "Don't give your hopes up I still might stay up." Dream said making his boyfriend groan at him. "You muffin head." Bad said packing some clothes into the suitcase. Dream sits next to Bad,"I'm glad we're going on vacation.  It'll give me more time to spend with you." Dream said resting his head on Bad's shoulder. "Yeahh! Me too!" Bad smiles then kisses Dream's head then closes the suit case."Google said it's a three hour drive so we should be there by two pm." Dream said getting up walking to the door. "Alright,then we can play in the pool!" Bad said smiling as he gets up as well and the two head to their car putting the suit case in it,then got in the car after they locked the door. They drove for what seems like forever so far it's been about four hours,and they still are driving but Bad didnt really mind because he had Dream with him to keep him company.  Hours went by, it was now dark out and they had finally arrived at the hotel which was strange because it didn't have many parked cars but they didn't think much of it,"That took alot longer than I thought.." Dream said tiredly,"Heh..sorry about that." He adds. "It's fine! The important thing is that we're here! Let's check in then in the morning or whenever it's light out bring our bags to our room. " Bad said as Dream nods at him then got out of the car and went inside the hotel.They checked in with the person at the front counter then got their hotel key and headed to their room,Bad opens the door entering the room with Dream following behind. The room was a decent size with a king size bed which Dream flopped down on while Bad looked around the room looking at pictures on the wall then looking at a book about the hotel's history and how their was a murder there or something Bad didn't really paid attention he just wanted sleep. He closes the book and laid down on the bed cuddling Dream. "Learn anything while snooping around?" He asked softly. "Something about a murder being here." Bad said not being bothered by it at first then he thought about it he sat up,"Dream! Now I'm thinking about it,I don't know if this place is idea.. what if it's hunted?"he asked. "If anything else happens tonight we leave and get the hell out of here." Dream said  giving Bad a kiss."mmmh if I get hunted I'm not talking to you!" Bad frowns as Dream gives him another kiss ,"We both know that's a lie. You're clingy and love it when I give you attention. " Dream said making the other pout. "Now get some sleep okay?" He adds earning an nod from Bad then turns the lights out going to sleep. Later in the night they woke up hearing loud noises and groans,"Alright,I have enough of this let's go." Bad said not having it. Dream groans turning the light on,"Fine..let's go." He said willingly as they got up leaving the hotel and into their car and start heading back home,"I'm going try to sleep..if you need to stop and sleep wake me up that way I can take over and drive." Dream said. "I will. Get some rest ." Bad said giving his lover a kiss as Dream closes his eyes drifting off to sleep. Bad thought maybe staying home and cuddling Dream is a better vacation for them without getting hunted from a random hotel.

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