The Dumbest Argument 🤦‍♂️

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Dream and Sapnap have been bickering all day about the most stupidest thing ever like if water was wet or not,"I'm done with this conversation!" Sapnap said annoyed then quickly hugs Dream once he didn't reply back to him,"Dreamm! I'm sorry!! Don't ignore me!" He quickly said. Dream doesn't respond to him,but got out of his boyfriend's grasp and walks away from him. Sapnap kept calling  Dream's name but he kept ignoring Sapnap,"Baby,when you say nothing it's like you've stuck a knife in my side! Please answer me!" He cries out then quickly follows Dream. Dream sighs after about two minutes of Sapnap begging and calling his name,"Fine,I forgive you.." he said to his boyfriend then gives him a kiss. Sapnap smiles and quickly hugs back tightly,"I love you,thank you for forgiveness!!" He said happily.  He then smirks and  whispers in Dream's ear,"Water is wet." Making Dream push him away and going into their room locking the door. "It's not easy being the smart one in this relationship." Sapnap said chuckling to himself then goes  to the closet getting out pillows and blankets preparing to sleep on the couch tonight.

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