Wish it was a Dream 💭

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Skeppy and Sapnap have been hanging around each other lately making Dream jealous and sad because one Skeppy is stealing his man away from him and two he was starting to feel lonely. Sure he could of talked to George but he didn't want to talk to George all the time he wanted to spend time with his boyfriend too. He even fear that one day Sapnap would leave him for Skeppy which made him want to cry but not wanting to feel weak he didn't cry. It was midnight and Dream woked up to see there was no body next to him and sighed thinking Sapnap must be hanging out with Skeppy again,he gets up wrapping the blanket around him and goes downstairs to get something to eat. When he got downstairs he stopped fearing his worse nightmares had came true,there was Skeppy and Sapnap making out on the couch. Tears ran down his face ,"Sapnap! How could you!!" He shouted at the two causing them to jump. "Babe! It's not what it lo-" Dream cuts Sapnap off,"I hope you're happy with him because you certainly weren't happy with me!" Dream said dropping the blanket going to his room to get his wallet,keys,and phone then quickly leaves the house ignoring Sapnap not wanting to hear his explanation.  Dream kept wiping his tears away but new ones would replace the ones he had wipe,and soon he found himself near a bench then sit down crying. He had no where to go, he definitely isn't going back to the house where Sapnap was and his near by friends were probably asleep,he could stay at a motel for a night and then in the morning ask a friend to stay with them but he didn't want to trouble them so he just decided to sleep outside not caring if it rain,if the mosquitoes bite him,hell he didn't even cared about getting kidnapped. He felt miserable he had just lost the most important thing in his life,"This can't be true..this just can't be.. if this is a dream  I wanna wake up.." he then sits up then looks around seeing a stream by and quickly goes to it. "If this isn't a dream then I don't want to be alive anymore.. I'm sorry everyone..I'm sorry George and my friends...I'm sorry to my family...but most importantly I'm sorry I wasn't enough for you Sapnap..." he said before jumping in the stream ,letting himself drown.

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