George come on!Just give me kisses!

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George and Nick just finished livestreaming with Dream during the whole time Nick just wanted his husband to kiss him in minecraft but George didn't do it or want to do it . Nick wasn't gonna give up that easy he will get that minecraft kiss one way or another. Nick got up from his chair and made his way to George's office and wrapped his arms around him and nuzzles him."Babyyyy why didn't you give me a minecraft kiss??" Nick whined as George rolls his eyes at Nick,"Because why would I give you a minecraft kiss when I can give you a real life one?" George asked."I may enjoy your kisses in real life but I want a minecraft one since we never done it on there!" Nick kept whining hoping it would work and that George would give in and give him a minecraft kiss but it didn't work. George gets up from his chair and pecks Nick on the lips and head to the kitchen while Nick followed behind and kept complaining to him and would keep doing it for the whole day if he has too.Almost half of the day went by with Nick just annoying the living hell out of George and then he finally gives in."Fine,I'll give you a minecraft kiss if you stop annoying me!" George said."Yes!! I knew you'd give in! It HAS to be on stream where everyone can see us doing it!" Nick said excitedly.  "What?! No way! I didn't promise that! I just promise a minecraft kiss and that's it!" The brit said. "Do you really want to hear me whine and complain to you all day about this?" Nick asked raising an eyebrow at him earning a groan from George,"Fine! I'll give you a kiss on minecraft the next time I stream!". Nick grins,"Yes!Thank you love~!"he said as George blushes softly at the thought of giving him a minecraft kiss on stream."Aww no need to be embarrassed it should be nothing new! We kiss all the time it should be a piece of cake!" The Texan said as he hugs his lover and kissing him as George agreed in silence and thought he should be use to it but it's gonna be live and alot of people will be watching and that thought made him even more flustered.  The night had come where George was live and playing minecraft with Nick and boy was George nervous even though he shouldn't be since it's just one kiss and the fans probably just want it to happen already. "I'm ready for that kiss baby!" Nick said excitedly. George moved his character then got an idea and grinned to himself as he made his character go to the side of Nick and kiss his character on the cheek earning an frustrating noise from Nick. "Nooo!! I want a kiss on my lips!!" He said loudly as George laughs,"You said you wanted a minecraft kiss,you never said where."he pointed out. "I didn't bother  you for the whole day to just get a kiss on the cheek!!" Nick said annoyed as George rolls his eyes at his husband then kisses him on the lips in minecraft earning a loud yes from the other room. The chat was fanning over their gayness and they continued to stream for another hour then ended the stream. Nick came into George's office once he ended the stream and gived him kisses,"Thank youuu." He said smiling and George hums in response,"No problem,but I refuse to do it again on stream! " he said as his cheek heat up alittle. Nick grins,"You'll do it if I keep bothering you." He said picking his husband up and nuzzles him then head to their room."Ughh..that's true you can be annoying. " he said earning a dramatic gasp from Nick. "How dare you say such mean thingsss! Especially to your hubby!" He whined as he laid George on the bed then got on the bed himself,and laid next to him then snuggles his hubby. "I'm only saying what's true honey bun."George said giving his lover kisses on his face as Nick pouts at him,"I love you." He said as Nick's pout turns to a smile,"I love you to baby!!" He giggles. "It's late and I'm tired let's go to sleep okay??" George said closing his eyes and slowly drifts to sleep. Nick smiled to himself and wonder how lucky he was to have Geroge in his life and wouldnt give it away for a second then gives his baby one last kiss before he goes to sleep himself.

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