Resting isn't a bad thing.

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Dream has been editing and recording all day and George missed his boyfriend. He knew Dream must be tired because he's been working since about one am this morning and he still hasn't finished editing or whatever the hell he was doing he didn't care what Dream was doing,all he cared about  was Dream getting some rest and spending time with him. He walked into the room where Dream was editing and wrapped his arms around him,"Clayyy,please finish what you're doing and get some rest please?" He said. Dream shakes his head,"I'll rest when I'm done. This is important,and I'm almost done to." He says. George frowns at this,"You liar! You said that three hours ago and you still aren't done! Get off now!"he said.  "I will when I get done. "Dream said stubbornly as Geroge sighed. "Clay,you need rest you've been at this for hours now!" He insisted on Dream taking a break. George gets in Clay's lap and wrapped his legs around him,"Fine,I'll stay here then since you won't move." Geroge said huffing then gives his lover kisses while playing with his hair. Dream was trying to work but it was hard with Geroge playing with his hair and he didn't relize how tired he was untill now. "Goggy please,I'm trying to work.." he said wrapping his arms around Geroge. "See? You're tired,will you please save what you are doing and sleep?" Geroge said softly. "Fine..." Dream said saving what he was doing then picks Geroge up and go to their room and go into bed. "Yes,I win." Geroge said smiling at Dream who smiles back. "Yeah,Yeah whatever. " he said kissing Geroge then snuggles him,"I love you." He said whispering into George's ear."I love you too,now get some sleep you need it." Geroge said kissing his cheek earning a slow nod from Dream who then closes his eyes fallen sleep quickly. George smiled then gives Dream one last kiss before going to sleep himself.

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