🍫🍭🍬Candy 🍬🍫🍭

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  Dream came home with a bag of candy for the trick or treaters, he walked by the couch but then stops seeing George was on his phone. "Hey there sweet thing,how was your day?" He grins as he points to the bag of candy . George groans at him,"Go away." He said making Dream pout. Dream opens the bag of candy taking out a kiss and unwraps it,"Hey George can I have a kiss?" Dream said chuckling. "Ughh,why did I say yes to becoming your boyfriend?" George said taking the kiss from Dream and eating it. Dream kisses Geroge suddenly sliding his tongue into his lover's mouth then breaks the kiss after thirty seconds,"Thanks for sharing the chocolate with me,along with the kiss." He smiles at George who blushes at him. Dream sits down at the bottom of the couch starting to eat the candy,"I thought the candy are for the trick or treaters?" George asked sitting up then lays back down resting his head on Dream's lap. "I can always buy more so it doesn't matter." Dream replies eating a butterfinger. "Why did you get candy then? " his lover asked. "To eat,but  also to use on you." Dream said grinning at George. "I don't need to hear your lame candy puns and jokes." George said going back onto his phone. Dream pouts "They aren't lame! So mean." He said as George ignores him. Dream kisses him,"Stop ignoring me!"he whines. "You're such a big baby you know that?" George said sitting up then gives Dream a kiss. "But I'm your baby meaning you gotta put up with me." Dream grins. George takes a piece of chocolate from the bag opening it then eats it getting some chocolate onto his fingers and alittle on his lips,"You're just asking for it now!" Dream said looking at the other. "What ar-" George getting cut off of by Dream who starts kissing him making sure to get the chocolate off of his lips. George tried to push Dream off but his lover take his hand and starts licking the chocolate off of them causing George to blush,"You taste good." Dream said smiling causing his boyfriend to hide his face in his hands in embarrassment. "Awww,you're so cute!" Dream smiled wrapping his arms around George,"I'm glad only I get to see this side of you. I love seeing your soft side." He kisses Geroge again pushing him down onto the couch,"Only I can give you candy kisses,get to see you embarrassed, and make love to you." Dream said staring down at George then kisses him once more,"I also get to see parts of your body that no one else is allowed to see,like your thighs. " he said giving George's thighs a kiss."D-Dream!  Don't say embarrassing things like that!" George exclaimed. Dream gives the other boy a kiss,"I love how easy you get embarrassed just by simplest things I do. It's cute keep being embarrass for me and only me." he said with a smile. George looks away breaking eye contact,"Y-Yeah.. okay whatever " causing Dream to chuckle. "Awww." He said caressing George's face then give him a kiss."I love you." Dream said."I love you too." George said shyly wrapping his arms around Dream. "Welp,I should probably get the candy and put them in the fridge." Dream said suddenly laughing making George glare at him,"You ruin the moment!" He said annoyed at Dream. "Don't worry gummy bear I'll give you kisses when I come back unless you want chocolate kisses." Dream said smiling at George. " I don't care as long as I get kisses." His lover said quietly. "I knew chocolate was addicting but I never knew I was more addicting than chocolate. " Dream laughs. "Shut up and put the chocolate away." He said as Dream nods getting up along with taking the chocolate and begins to walk to the kitchen but then quickly stops when he felt George gently grabbed his hoodie that he was wearing,"Please make sure to come back and give me kisses." George said blushing. Dream grins at him,"Of course love."

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