🎧🎵Listening to Music 🎵 🎧

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Sapnap and Dream laid down together after a long day,nothing really happen the day just felt long so here they were snuggling close together while sharing headphones and listening to music together to be specific they were listening to Linkin Park. Sapnap kisses Dream,"I love you ." He said. Dream smiles at him,"I love you too."he replies. "I wish we could of saved him. I wish someone was there to stop him,ya know then maybe today he'll be alive and well." Sapnap said sadly talking about Chester ."Yeahh,but he's in a better place now. I hope he's having a good time up there. He may be gone but he's certainly not forgotten." Dream said."Yeah so true." Sapnap said agreeing. The rest of day they just listened to music and cuddle.


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