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Darryl was laying on the bed while Clay laid on top of him while cuddling with his lover who held him close and as he played on his phone."Darryl, give me attention."Clay whines as he pokes Bad."Give me one second I'm texting  Geppy."his boyfriend says earning a pout from Clay."Babeee you can talk or text him anytime. Right now it's time to give me attention! Also it's not good to give attention to other boys  all the time especially if they aren't your boyfriend!"he jealously said then nuzzles Darryl making him sigh alittle and puts his  phone down, then wrapped his arms around Clay,"Fine, you win." He said giving in to his boyfriend then gives him a kiss."You know you do the same thing right? You do the same with George and Sapnap ,and when I want cuddles you're like in a min or two babe then I never get them!"Bad pouts earning a chuckle from Clay,"Fine,I won't do that anymore. I'll give you cuddles whenever you ask for them baby." He says giving Bad more kisses."Good you better you muffin head." Darryl said as Clay chuckles at him,"You know I love you right?" He asked. "Yeahhh,I know and I love you too." Darryl said smiling then kisses him. "Wanna watch a movie later or something?" Clay asked. "Yeah sure! I would love to watch a movie with you!" His boyfriend replies with a smile then kisses Clay,and later on they went to watch a movie together while cuddling.


Ngl I didn't know what to call this but  guys look👀👀👀

420👀👀 sorry I'm so immature forgive me 😂😂😂 also fill free to request stuff ! I'm glad you guys been enjoy this book! It's been fun writing these !! Have a good day or night! :D

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420👀👀 sorry I'm so immature forgive me 😂😂😂 also fill free to request stuff ! I'm glad you guys been enjoy this book! It's been fun writing these !! Have a good day or night! :D

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