💢No,He's my best friend! 💢

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Bad and Quackity kept pulling Skeppy towards them fighting over who his best friend was,"Guys..you're both my best friends!" Skeppy said trying to make them stop fighting. "See that,he said he likes me more!" Quackity said pulling Skeppy towards him. "He didn't say that at all!" Bad said with a huff pulling Skeppy back over to him. "Guys,I love you equally stop fighting please!" Skeppy said sighing and bringing the two taller men in for a hug,"So please stop fighting." Skeppy begged them. They went silent for a second before they gived Skeppy a hug ,"Fine you're right,I'm sorry Geppy. We'll stop fighting." Bad said to Skeppy playing with his hair. "Yeahh,I'm more sorry than him. We didn't mean to fight." Quackity said nuzzling the shorter boy. Bad realize what Quackity had said,"I'm so sorry that we were pulling you so roughly." Bad begins. "Oh yeah,well I'm sorry that Bad started this fight." Quackity said not backing down. Skeppy sighed to himself realizing that another fight is about to break out over something so stupid and he had to sit there and listen to them while being smush between the two.

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