Slightly Shorter boi

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"Awww! You're so short Quackity!" Karl said in awe. "I'm not short ,we're literally the same height! You're just an inch or two taller than me!" Quackity protested. "Aw no need to be embarrassed,I still love my short boy. " Karl gives Quackity a kiss. Quackity frowns at Karl as he insists that he's not short or that short. Karl picks the slightly shorter boy up,"Aww I like you being short because that way I still can carry you in my arms with ease,and give you kisses!"he smiles giving his boyfriend another kiss or two. "I can pick you up and do that without a problem!" Quackity said making Karl laugh. "Honey bun,no <3. The last time you tried to pick me up was literally two days ago and you ended up dropping me in the progress of trying to hold me." He said. "I- yeah.. sorry about that. " Quackity apologized.

"It's fine,come on let's go have a stream together ." Karl said then carried Quackity to his office. He puts Quackity down and kisses him,"I love you honeybun."

"I love you too." Quackity said with a smile then begin their live stream,having tons of fun.

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