I'm glad you're here with me

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Dream gives Fundy a kiss as he wrapps his arms around his waist,"How was your day angel ? " he ask. Fundy rests his head on Dream's shoulder,"It was alright,nothing much happened to be honest." He said giving his boyfriend a small smile. "Aww,that sounds so boring.I wish I was there with you ,maybe I could of made your day much more fun or something. " Dream said. Fundy gives him a kiss,"I know you would of,but it's fine you're here right now so i don't really care." He said wrapping his arms around his lover's neck and nuzzles him. "I love you Dream,please never let me go."Fundy said. Dream's hold on Fundy had gotten tighter, "Never dream of it. I will never let you go,I love you so much my ray of sunshine. " his boyfriend said with love in his voice making Fundy smile at him as he was glad that he had Dream in his life.

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