📰Newspaper and Duck tape 📰

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Jschlatt glares down at the present he had received. Usually he would be grateful for any types of gift he gets but this one was wrapped in newspaper and was taped with duck tape and the gift was from Quackity,"Oh god... I'm scared to see what this is.. I hope it's not something werid.." he said then slowly begins to rip the the newspaper open and slowly could see the thing was fuzzy,and immediately guess it was some sweater. Once the gift was unwrapped it revealed that it was indeed a sweater,a christmas one. The sweater was blue and white with Quackity's name on it and immediately tried it on fitting perfectly on him. There was a knocked at his door,answering it he saw Quackity wearing a black and white sweater with Jschlatt's name on his,"Do you like your gift? I thought we could be matching somewhat! Also I'm glad it fits perfectly!" He said with a smile."Hey yeah..Why would you wrap it in newspaper and tape it up with duct tape?" Jschlatt asked. "I ran out of normal tape and wrapping paper and didn't want to buy some more. " Quackity answers,"Come on let's take pictures in our sweaters!" He said excitedly.  "Do I got a choice?" The goat man asked,Quackity shakes his head no then takes his phone out takin a picture of Jschlatt,"You look so handsome in that sweater. "giving his friend a smile. Jschlatt does the same as the two took pictures and post about it on social media then when they were done they hang out for abit.

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