💔🔔💍💒Wedding Ruined 💒💍🔔💔

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Fundy fixes the tie of his suit as he prepares himself  for getting married,"You got this! This is your big day!" He said all giddily. He takes a deep breath then exits the door of the bathroom and walks to the main area then stops quickly as he hears moaning making Fundy's heart drop right away. He then hears Dream moaning George's name,Fundy feels himself running away from the noise as tears ran down his face,"Why does this shit keeping happening to me?!" He sobbed. When he calmed down he realized it was now dark along with him hearing monsters near by,"heh..wise words from a wise person...it was never meant to be...I was never meant to be happy.." he said then walking to a creeper letting it blow up and killing him.

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