The Princess and The Blob❔

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Georgina starts her day by waking up,showering and getting dress,putting on some make up,then helps out at her family's restaurant that they own. The restaurant was nothing to special it was a decent size place that sells things like fish and chips,Yorkshire pudding,scones,and more. It was one of the popular places there because it was right in center of town ,so alot of people came since the prices were reasonable along with having the best service. Georgina smiles and greets the customers as they come in,along with saying good bye to them if they leave,then she goes takes their orders and delivers the food to the customers, along with chatting with them making sure everything was okay or not. Georgina goes to a table taking the dirty dishes and goes to the back where the kitchen was and putting them in the sink for the dishwasher to wash them,and goes back to the dining room. The day went smoothly without any hiccups or problems,as Georgina was closing up for the night she notice how slightly cold the air was, figuring that it might rain for the night then closes the restaurant and  quickly walks home trying her best to beat the rain before it really starts pouring. She walks passed an alley and hears whimpering thinking it was some stray animal that was hurt,and went to check on the animal making sure to be cautious not trying to frighten the animal . She follow the whimpering not preparing to find a small white creature sitting on the trash can crying their eyes out. "Uhhh hey there? You okay?" She asked the creature a question who kept  weeping. She felt a small raindrop on her hand, she didn't want to leave the strange creature there to get cold if it could get cold along with not wanting to get soaking wet ,"Ummm,wanna come home with me?" She asked despite how sketchy that might of sounded,The white blob creature nods it's head and she gently picks the creature up from the trash can lid and quickly heads home as fast as she could. When she arrived home she was soaking wet,"I shouldn't of stop for you... especially If I don't know what you are or if you are dangerous. " she said to the Blob who never stop crying. She then sighs going to her bathroom with the blob,she got a towel from the cabinet in her bathroom and dries off the blob first, then sets it down to do whatever it wants until she gets dried off and changed. She walks past the blob going to her room not realizing the creature was following right behind her,she dried her hair first then takes off her clothes staying in her bra and underwear since they were the only clothing on her that didn't get wet ,she then dried off the rest of her body  putting on a long sleeved green hoodie with a happy face on it along with some black pants to go with it. Turning around she saw the small creature blushing at her and almost kick it for watching her ,but doesn't because she didn't want to hurt it even though she wanted to. Georgina sighs then ignores what had happened and asked if it was hungry earning a small nod from it. She holds the creature once more going to the kitchen setting it down on the counter,"Soo uhh what do you eat?"she ask not sure what kind of creature it was or what it even ate. The blob stares at her before speaking,"I eat human food,I know I may look like this but actually I'm a princess." The blob responds causing Georgina to stare back at it thinking she had finally lost her damn  mind. "You a princess? Ha,that's funny! You don't even look like one." She said in disbelief then goes to her fridge taking out a bowl of fruit and setting it in front of the creature,who went to it picking up a a grape,beginning to nibble on it. "I'm telling you the truth! If you kiss me then you'll find out I'm telling the truth! I was turned into this by an evil goat lady with huge breasts along with her wife!" The creature said as it finishes eating the grape,then gets another piece of fruit. Georgina snorts at that not believing it  then thinks about it again,if she's talking to a creature   that she never seen before it could be true. "So,I just gotta kiss you?" She asked the creature who nods its head yes,"You're not gonna give me a strange disease,are you ?" She then ask. The blob shakes it's head no,"I may be a blob but I promise you that I'm clean,also you can call me Dreamy." Dreamy said to the other girl. "Just checking never know,also I'm Georgina nice to meet you I guess." Georgina said. Dreamy goes over to Georgina with a small smile on her face ,"I'm waiting for my kiss." The creature said earning a sigh from the other girl as she then gives the blob a kiss.


The blob transforms back into it's human form,Dreamy had long blonde hair with light green eyes wearing a blue hoodie and wearing a black skirt.Georgina falls back realizing that it had work thinking that she would of turn into a blob as well or something, then blushes as she realizes that she just had her first kiss with this person.  Dreamy smirks down at the other girl,"Surprise? It's not easy being royalty and hot ya know." She said chuckling then gets off the counter and helped Georgina up. "So umm..What now since you've changed back?" Georgina said not sure what to do or say still shocked about the whole blob turning into a person thing.  "Well I was thinking about making you my little princess, and we can live happy after ever or some junk." Dreamy said with a small blush on her face. Georgina laughs causing the other to frown,"This isn't some Disney movie you know. " she continues to laugh. "Okay,sorry that was a stupid idea.." Dreamy said disappointed looking away from the other. Georgina stops laughing noticing tears in Dreamy's eyes then gives the other girl a hug,"I never said no,I don't always believe in love at first sight especially after this incident, but I'm willing to give you a try." She said to Dreamy with a smile. Dreamy quickly hugs back and gives the other girl another kiss,"Thank you!" She happily said,"I totally knew you were gonna say yes!" She adds with a laugh. Georgina rolls her eyes at the princess,"Yeah sure you did." She says. "I did! Anyways,I'm excited to make you my princess.I will make sure not to fuck it up!" Dreamy says giving her another kiss.  Georgina smiles then kisses back,"Good, you better not or else I'm gonna have that evil goat lady turn you back into a blob." She said jokingly making the other girl pout at her. "So mean... I knew you were a good choice." Dreamy said with a grin. "Shut up." Georgina said looking away causing Dreamy to laugh at her then kisses her once more,before they started their new life together.

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