👹Halloween store (platonic)👹

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I don't ship these two and will only make platonic stuff  with them ,don't ship Philza's sons >:0 Also I can't be the only one who loves the AU where philza is literally the parent and takes care of Tommy,Tubbo,Wilbur,and Techno if I am, then then I'm werid af.

Tommy and Tubbo needed customes for Halloween since it was approaching luckily there were Halloween stores almost everywhere throughout London it wasn't hard to find at all. They enter the store and looked around,"Ooo! How about if I be a robot for Halloween or Sonic?" Tubbo asked. "Tubbo,you're suppose to be scary for Halloween not a bitch boy." Tommy said in response."I don't want to be lame or cosplay as a Geroge either because those two things are pretty similar " Tubbo says earning a laugh from Tommy."You aren't wrong Tubbo." Tommy said looking at an devil's custome ,"What do you think of this?"he asked Tubbo. " To be honest it's fits you perfectly. " His British friend replies. "What's that supposed to mean??" Tommy asked. "Well,you're alittle shit and you like to start wars,be chaotic energy,and  stuff like that." His friend replied. "You know what fair enough. "Tommy said deciding to get the outfit. "I still don't know what I'm going to be. I don't want to be a lame ghost or something basic like that." Tubbo says. "How about a vampire it may be basic but it's also a classic and most liked thing ya know?" Tommy suggested to the other who thought about it before deciding to be a vampire for Halloween,"Fine okay,I'll be a vampire for Halloween. " Tubbo said. "We're going to be so cool that we'll make other children look lame on halloween."Tommy gasps with an idea popping into his head"Tubbo! I just got an idea!! How about we do a minecraft halloween stream while having our skins in something Halloween related! Think of the subs that we'll get along with pogs in the chat!" Tommy said excitedly.  "That'll be so cool!" We should definitely do that!" Tubbo said agreeing to it. They quickly bought their outfits then got something to eat then went home parting ways getting excited for when halloween comes.

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