🙃I'm not mad 🙃

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George and Quackity had a big fight about something random and Quackity decided he would sleep in a different room hoping that George would regret what he did,and apologized but that's not what happened. Here Quackity was in a cold room with the heater being broken ,"ugh.. so cold" he said before getting out of the bed 
,going back to his and George's room.Quackity crawls in bed snuggling close to George holding his hand,"I thought you were mad at me,why are you here?" George asked."The heater in the guest room was cold... so I was freezing my ass off and decided to come in here." Quackity answers."I also wanted to say I'm sorry for causing that fight,please don't be upset at me anymore my little pumpkin."he adds giving George his best puppy eyes he could. George pulls the blanket over them some more then wrapps his arms around Quackity,"Mhh you are forgiven." He says. Quackity gives George a kiss happy that he forgive  him.

The next morning-

"What the hell!? I thought you forgive me!" Quackity said looking down at his burnt breakfast in disbelief then looks at George's breakfast that weren't burnt. "I do,but this is what you get for saying Sapnap was better than me." The British boy said taking his breakfast,going to a different room not wanting to hear his boyfriend's explanation.

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