You mean alot to me.

332 4 15

Requested by @Gamerluna44 :D

Nick has been sad he doesn't know why, sure he's very grateful that he has caring friends,a roof over his head,money,and millions of fans who watches him and like him for who he is but he can't help but to feel sad. He hasn't been feeling one hundred percent maybe he felt that way because he thinks time is going to fast and thinks he could be doing more in life like helping others,and he might have a small crush on his best friend. He doesn't want to ruin everything they had built up for years,sure they had many bromance moments in the past but he wanted them to become a thing and he was scared of rejection. Nick put up an act to pretend he was fine in front of his friends but really he felt worse everyday. He didn't let his facade down for a second and just pretend he was fine, and his friends thought nothing of it. It was now five or six in the morning and Nick had just woken up feeling the even worse than usual. He wanted to cry he hated the feeling of doing nothing even though he knows everyday he makes every single one of his fans happy and how much he has helped them in the past and even now with his videos or live streams.He sighed and decides to text Clay knowing how much it hurts because Dream doesn't realize that he has a crush on him or even knows that he loves him.[You up bro?] Nick sent the message then rest his head on his pillow while looking at the ceiling .He could feel the tears forming into his eyes and feeling them running down his cheeks. Nick attention on the ceiling was interrupted by a little ding noise from his phone. He looked at his phone and figured dream was up and read his message [Yeahh I am,just finishing editing a video.  You're never usually up this early. Are you sick or something?]-Dream. He knew Clay was joking but some how that made him feel even worse. Tears start pouring from his eyes and he begins to sob. He tries to stop himself but he couldn't stop and kept crying. After what feels like forever but has been only five minutes he stops crying and takes a shaky breath before  replying back to Clay saying he was fine and that he had just woken up from a nap the sends the message trying to lie best as he could. When Clay received the text from Nick he didn't think anything of it and just thought his friend was just trying to get his sleeping schedule fix or something like that. He replied with that's cool and then asked if Nick wanted to play minecraft with him later since he was gonna be streaming later,which Nick agreed. Nick wipes his tears the best as he could.He calms down alittle and thinks to himself 'Don't let your smile slip and worry your friends you idiot'. One thing he hated to do was bothering his friends with things like that . He knew they would always be there for him and support him, but how things have been going for him lately he thought something different, that he shouldn't bother his friends with such  things that were silly or not as important. Hours came and soon it was time to play minecraft with Clay and honestly Nick didn't want to and just lie his way out of it but something deep inside of him told him to play and chat with Dream.He got on Teamspeak with Dream and loaded his minecraft and they begin to play. Within an half an hour Dream notices how quiet his friend has been,"Hey Sapnap,Are you okay? You've been kinda quiet.",Dream asked worried for his friend. "Huh? Oh yeah..I'm fine." Nick said which earned a frown from Clay,"You don't sound fine. You sound hella sad and tired. What's wrong?" He asked not believing Nick.  Nick sighed, "It's none of your business okay! If I say I'm fine then I'm fine!" He snaps at Clay then  his eyes widen,"Shit...Sorry I gotta go." He said tearing up ,"No wai-" was the last thing he heard before leaving teamspeak and closing out minecraft. He heads for the bathroom and closes the door then looks in the mirror seeing how red his eyes were from crying so much."God I'm a fucking mess.. I ...I snapped at Clay for what?! For caring and worrying about me!!? He probably hates me now!" He said angrily then punches his mirror. He stares at his bleeding hand then sighs and starts  the bath water and plugging up the drain.  He was tired of feeling like this,feeling hopeless,and decide he didn't want to live like this anymore. He waited till the tub was filled up all the way and heard his door bell being rang and heavy pounding ,but he just ignores it and just gets in the tub and goes underneath the water. Clay's heart was racing he cared for his friend very much and would hate if anything happened to him. Why haven't he notice Nick's behavior? He should of been checking up on him since this morning when he notice how early Nick had woken up at. He cared for Nick deeply and didn't want him do anything stupid or hurt himself. Clay notice banging and ringing Nick's door a thousand times wasn't working so he quickly try to open the window and found out it was lock. Clay used his arm to break Nick's window then unlocked it ,and climb through it and ran quickly to the kitchen,to his office and room,and then finally to his bathroom. At this point tears were rolling down his face and basically burst through the bathroom door and see water. Not thinking twice he race to the tub and quickly pulls Nick out of the tub earning a gasp and a coughing fit from his friend. "What the hell are you doing?! Why did you try to drown yourself??!!" Clay cried harder as he held onto Nick tightly thinking he had almost lost his best friend. Nick coughs for a few seconds and tries  to catch his breath. Once he had calm down and was done coughing he hugs back weakly and rests his head on Clay's shoulder. "W-Why?!" His friend asked still crying."I was tired of feeling hopeless.. like I could of done more with my life but I haven't.. I..I also have a crush on this one person but i don't know if he feels the same about me.. more than friends you know?"Nick responds starting to tear up again. "Nick,Listen to me right now. You do more than what you think you  do! You save millions of lives everyday by just playing a block game! You make people happy ,laugh,and keep their minds off of the bad things that's going on! If you want to do more then do it! Nothing is stopping you! If you want to donate to charity,then donate! If you want to stand up for African Americans then do it! Show the world you want to make it a better place and make that change! As for your friend they must be pretty stupid if they haven't realize that you like them yey! Who wouldn't like you? You're funny,smart,kind,handsome,and just amazing in general!" Clay said slightly blushing while saying that as he wipes away Nick's tears. Nick smiles,"Thanks.." he said but then frowns,"The person I like is you.." he said looking away from Clay,who was surprise at first because he realize that Nick liked him back  then smiled at him. Clay gives his friend a kiss on the lips,his cheek,then all over his face. Nick was surprised at first then blushes then quickly pushes Clay away and covers his face with his hands ,"What are you doing?!"he said . "I'm kissing you.duh." Clay answered and takes a hold of Nick's hands then kisses them,"Nick, I like you too,and when you said that you liked me back it made me the happiest man on earth,but I'm sorry it had to happen like this.. I wish I could of done something before this mess even happened or started.  I promise I'll be here for you if you need it,and don't you ever do that again. Got that?"he asked sternly. Nick smiles,"Yeahh,I got it no need to nag me about it." He said feeling better then Clay smiles back glad to see his friend smiling."Hey ummm..we should get dried off and get into different clothes,but after do you ummm want to like watch a movie together or something??"Nick asked awkwardly.  Clay gives Nick another kiss on the lips and smiled,"Yeahh I would love that". They did just as that ,they got dried off and change into a new set of clothes with Clay borrowing Nick's clothes until his are dried then went to Nick's bed  to cuddle and watch a movie. Clay was holding Nick tightly in his arms kissing him here and there making sure Nick knew how much he means and loves loves him. "Hey Clay?" Nick said as his eyes were on the movie."Yeahh?" His friend responded. "Are we you know a thing?" Nick asked as Clay chuckled then kisses him,"Did that answer your question ?" Clay smiles and the other boy nods with a smile then the new lovers went back to watching their movie while sharing kisses in between,then eventually falling asleep in each other's arms.


I hope you like it Luna!! It's now almost 3:30am and I'm gonna go to bed without worrying about any mistakes, night! XD

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