☔Playing in the Rain ☔

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Dream and Sapnap ran outside barefooted as the rain pours down onto them. They are having a good old time they would knock each other into puddles or slipp on them as the other would laugh at their misfortune but then help them up and asked if they were alright. Sapnap playfully tackles Dream into a puddle and giggles at him,"I won!" He said cheerfully at the other man. "Only because I let you." Dream chuckles then tries to get put but ended up falling onto Sapnap who burst out in laughter ,"Shut upp." Dream said pouting at him."How could I not? You tried to get up but failed!"Sapnap laughs making Dream laugh alittle too before they stared at each other and Dream made the first move by giving Sapnap a kiss who kisses back in response."I love you"Dream said smiling. "Love you too!" Sapnap replies back.Dream gets up helping Sapnap up as well "Come on! Let's play some more  then go inside to get dried off and into new clothes!" Dream said. "Yeahh okay!" Sapnap agrees as he begins chasing Dream who laughs at him for being to slow.

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