🎃🥧Pumpkin Pie 🥧🎃

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What's your favorite type of pie on holidays or in general? I think mine is pumkin pie xD

Sapnap walks into the kitchen to eat the last slice of pumpkin pie then quickly frowns as he see his boyfriend had gotten to it first,"Put that pumkin pie down! It's mine!" He said quickly going over to them. "I don't see your name on it." George said taking a piece and eating it causing Sapnap to whine even more."Georgeeee,stop eating that! I want the pie!" Sapnap said. "Go buy some more if you want some so badly." He said eating another piece. Sapnap gives him a kiss ,"Please?" He said giving his boyfriend the best puppy eyes he could give. George sighed ,"Here." He said then hands the rest of the pie to Sapnap making the boy smile. "Thank you! I love youu!" Sapnap said happily as he eat some of the pie. "I love you too,I'm going to buy  some more and I'm not going to share." George said to him then leaves the room. Sapnap grins to himself knowing that was a lie because George couldn't say no to his baby boy and would end up giving him some more if he begged for it.

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