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Darryl has been very lovey dovey all day,he's been hugging and kissing Zak everytime he sees his boyfriend. Zak thought it was cute at first but then after like hours of kisses and hugs he couldn't get anything done or focus on editing because he was busy being kissed by Bad who wouldn't stop kissing him.  "Baaaad,stop kissing me!" Zak whined gently trying to push Bad away. "Mmhh,I don't wanna!"Darryl said kissing his boyfriend some more not lossening his grip on Zak.,"I love youuu,my little muffin."he adds. "Bad,come onn! I need to do some editing! Please stop kissing me!" Zak said. "But I wanna show you my love!"Darryl said grabbing Zak's hand and kissing it then pecks his lips. Zak signed,"You been giving me love almost all day! Maybe give it a rest so I can do some editing?" He said then notice how sad his boyfriend became when he said that. He hates seeing Bad like this,then quickly gives in and starts kissing him telling Bad how much he loves and appreciates him,"I love you so much love bug. Thanks for kissing and hugging me, it makes my day even better." He said making Bad happy again as he begins kissing  Zak again. "I love you too baby!" Darryl says picking Zak up  spinning him around earning a giggle from his boyfriend. "Hey Bad,can we go snuggle and watch a movie since you won't let me work on stuff today?" Zak asked earning a nod  from Darryl who takes them to their room to watch a movie while snuggling and giving Zak kisses during it.

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