🎬Movie Marathon🎬

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All day George and Sapnap have been watching movies some were horror, some were funny, and some were animated,they were on the thirteenth movie of the day and it was already dark outside,"Georgeee,I'm hungryy." Sapanp said stroking the other boy's hair. "Well get up and make something to eat then,I'm trying to watch Jeepers Kreepers." Geroge responds watching the movie. "Buttt I don't wanna cook I'm to comfy where I am right now!" Sapanp whines. "Guess you can go hungry and suffer then." Geroge said looking at the other boy who pouts in response ,"Why don't you order something then?? Like a pizza or something?" Geroge suggests. Sapnap gasped ,"Are you suddenly asking me out on a pizza date? Movies and pizza? Who knew you were such a romantic!" He giggles. Geroge gets up and moves away from Sapnap who quickly clings to him,"Noooo!! I wanna hold you!" Sapnap whines as Geroge rolled his eyes at him, then reaches over to the night stan to get his phone deciding that he'll just  order a pizza for them,"What kind of pizza would you like?" Geroge asked. "Ummm I want pepperoni, black olives,and extra cheese!" Sapnap quickly answers as George orders the pizza."The pizza should be here in about fifteen minutes or so." Geroge said. "Okayy,thank you for buying it love." Sapnap said smiling at the boy before kissing him. George hums in response before looking back at the TV,"George don't ignore mee!!" His lover whined and tries to get his attention by repeatedly calling his name and trying  to get him to notice the other. "Sayyy you love me back! You're making me sadd!" Sapnap pouts. George sighs eventually giving in clearly tired of hearing Sapnap whining and gives him a kiss,"I love you too." He says making the other boy happy. Sapnap wraps his arms around Geroge and kisses him everywhere,"Awwww I knew you loved meeee!" He said happily as Geroge rested his head on Sapnap's shoulder,"Yeah,whatever." Geroge  said with a small smile. They waited for their pizza and Sapnap quickly got it before returning back to Geroge as they ate pizza and watch movies the rest of the  night together.

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