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A frog just jumped on me few mins ago ,scaring the living hell out of me ;^;

Also it's midnight soon to be one am,so imma sleep,see you guys later :D

Also requested by Gamerluna44


It was one in the morning and Dream was on his phone looking at cat pictures feeling arms wrapped around his neck and quickly gives his lover a kiss. "..get off your phone" Sapnap said groaning hating how bright the phone was. "You could just turn around then." Dream said causing Sapnap to whine at him. "Baby,I love you,I really do  but jesus do you gotta have the brightness all the way up?" Sapnap asked. "I like annoying you,and I guess not." Dream laughs as he turns the brightness down. "So meann,also I still want you off the phone. I demand you to cuddle me back." Sapnap said with a pout. Dream chuckles lightly then kisses Sapnap, "Fine,I'll give in to you." He said turning the phone off then sets it down somewhere,wrapping his arms around Sapnap. "Yess,thank you Dreamm!" Sapnap smiles earning another kiss from his boyfriend. "I loveeeee youuuu." He adds. "I love you too." Dream said nuzzling his lover and  kisses his jaw. "Such a beautiful angel you are. I'm so lucky to have youu." Dream added giving him some wet kisses on purpose. "Ewww gross, get awayy! I don't want any kisses and cuddles nowww!" Sapnap said trying to push him away as Dream's grip on him gets stronger. "To bad,you wanted this! No backing out!" Dream said attacking the other with kisses causing Sapnap to giggle. "Okay,Okay I surrender! I'll accept my dreadful fate!" Sapnap dramatically said making Dream roll his eyes at him giving him another kiss. "Go to sleep since you made me get off my phone." He said to Sapnap. "Finee,but you better not stop holding me if you do imma make your life a living hell!" Sapnap said with a smile. "Trust me,you already do." Dream responded back causing Sapnap to pout at him again. Dream puts the blankets over them some more then immediately goes back to cuddling his boyfriend sharing one last i love yous and kisses before they went to bed.

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