🎄🥂Embarrassing himself at a Christmas party 🥂 🎄

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Dream runs to his room locking the door then quickly hides under the covers,"Ughh! I'm so embarrassed! How could I do that!" He groans reliving the memory of him at a Christmas party drunk and was saying weird shit like how sand felt good when you put it in your mouth  or something like that. "Ughhh,I'm going to stay in my room and not socialize till im dead..they are going to call me Sand has been eaten or some weird shit... Worse part is that I said it in front of George!!" He said groaning again,'Well....he probably think im weird already... since he knows I've done werider shit before.." he said to himself feeling slightly better about what had happened.  "When im older i might have a laugh out of it." He said being positive." I'm thinking so much about this....I'm just gonna go to sleep and hopefully I'll forget about this.." he said closing  his eyes,quickly drifting off to sleep.

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