Whipped Cream Kisses

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Bad sprayed some whipped cream onto his fingers before licking it off,while Skeppy watches him,"Baddd,can I have some?" He asked which the older man nods and handing the can to him. Skeppy smiles spraying some on his fingers then taps it on Bad's cheek,"What are you doing Geppy?" Bad asked then blushed heavily as Skeppy licks his cheek. "You muffin don't lick me!" The older one said. Skeppy ignores him smearing some onto Bad's neck then kisses it getting some onto his lips then uses his tongue to get rid of the remaining cream that was left on Bad's neck. "Y-You muffin head,you missed some." Bad said before grabbing the other boy and kisses him making sure to get the whipped cream off of Skeppy's lips causing the other to blush and hide in his hoodie in embarrassment,"Badd! So embarrassing!" Skeppy said quickly running away from the other. Bad smiles at him before going back to eating some more whipped cream.

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