A Bathroom Succcc

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Request by sapnapisapissbaby I realize you change your name,so it took me a minute to relize why it wasn't working 😂😂

I was gonna post it last night but I kept stalling and fell asleep after I finished doing laundry.

Also I couldn't think of a good title either-

High School Au



Dream walks into the classroom taking his seat then notice Karl was talking to his crush,aka Sapnap.He glares at the two boys who were just talking but he was glaring mostly at Karl who kept getting close to his crush. Dream was about to get up and drag Sapnap out of the classroom until the bell ranged and the teacher came walking in,making him sigh. The teacher had the students pair up,Dream wanted to pair up with Sapnap but of course Karl beats him to it, so his partner was Bad. Most of the kids were standing or walking around the room,Bad was doing most of the work,Dream would sometimes help but he was more focus on other things. Karl jokes with Sapnap making him laugh then moves closer to him making Dream getting up, walking over to the boys and grabbing  Sapnap's arm then drags him out of the classroom without the teacher noticing them. Dream shoved Sapnap into the bathroom causing the boy to fall onto the floor,"Dude,What the fuck?! What do you think you're doing?!" Sapnap said clearly pissed off. " What am I doing? What are YOU doing?! Letting that prick get close to you ,almost kissing you!" Dream said upset. "Why do you care if I get kissed by Karl?" Sapnap asked then stood up. Dream looks away causing the other to stare at him some more then laughs,"Awww are you jealous?" Sapnap said jokingly.Dream pins Sapnap against the wall,"So what if I am?" He said giving Sapnap's neck a kiss. Sapnap's eyes widen then blushes,"I had no idea you liked me." He said shyly. "Please...let me be yours and only yours.." Dream said looking into the boy's eyes earning a small nod from him. Dream smiles then kisses Sapnap, "Thank you." He said then kisses him again,"  I want the whole world to know that you belong to me." He adds then quickly started marking Sapnap's neck leaving small bruises and love bites. Sapnap let out a small whine ,"D-Dream,we can't..we are at school. " he said being afraid of getting caught. "So? We're not the first ones who fucked at school and won't be the last either." Dream said not caring about getting caught. "Dreamm, classes are about to end! There's literally no tim-" Sapnap cuts himself off quick with a moan as he feels Dream plams him. Dream grins as he feels Sapnap becoming hard then quickly got onto his knees unzipping his zipper,"Then I'll just do a quickie and we'll do more after school~." He said placing Sapnap inside of his mouth and starts to suck him off earning a moan from him. Sapnap places his hands in Dream's hair grabbing some of it as he slowly starts thrusting into his mouth feeling Dream taking all of him at once. He swirled his tongue around Sapnap earning a small whimper along with him forcefully holding Dream's head down as he came with in seconds. He blushes darkly as he hears Dream drink all of it with no problem then takes his mouth off of Sapnap's dick and wipes his mouth,"Aww,I would of hope you would of last longer." Dream said with a pout as he stands up. Sapnap looks away in embarrassment as he puts himself away,"S-Shut up! Give me a break,I'm a virgin!" He said as he feels his face turns even more red. Dream grins and whispers into his ear,"You won't be by the end of the day." He said as the school bell's ringed. "When School ends meet me outside,got it?" Dream said earning a quick nod from the other. Dream kisses him earning a kiss back,"I love youu Sapnap! " He happily said."I love you too."Sapnap said shyly,then they quickly hurried to class so they wouldn't be late and later that they met up and fuck having cuddles after they were done.

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