🤡🐷Maid Technoblade 🤡🐷

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Dream absolutely regretted his life at this moment he thought winning a bet against Techo would feel good but it turns out that it was a huge mess,so far Techno had almost bleached all of his clothes leaving tan spots on them,almost flooded the house by leaving the tub on,did a shitting job at dusting,and now he's watching Techno cook while being scared for his life that he would cause a fire. "Maybe you should leave the cooking to me,please stop cooking. You're burning the grilled cheese!" Dream quickly said freaking out as the grilled cheese started to burn along with smoke coming from it. "Oh Dream It's not burnt. It's slightly toasted."Techno responds then takes the sandwhich off the skillet  then onto a plate  handing  it to Dream,"Enjoy." he said with no emotion before leaving Dream alone to probably ruin something else. "God please help me.." Dream said turning the stove off along with throwing the sandwhich away  then follows Techno making sure he wouldn't ruin anything eles.

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