Family Visits

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It was early in the Morning and Dream was just cuddling Sapnap giving him kisses,"Dream.. I'm trying to sleep." Sapnap tiredly said trying to get away from the kisses so he could just sleep. Dream wouldn't let Sapnap out of his arms easily,"I wanna kiss youu." Dream whines causing the other to whine back how he just wanted to sleep. Sapnap then groans when they hear  the doorbell going off he just wanted sleep and he knew Dream wouldn't answer the door because he was busy giving him kisses,so he had no choice but get up himself managing to get out of Dream hold causing him to whine. Sapnap ignores Dream putting on his shirt and went to open the door,as he opens the door he was greeted with Dream's family who just invited themselves in after he opens the door."Hey,you can't just come in without permission!" Sapnap said annoyed. "Well to bad,we just did so deal with it!" Drista said with a shrug then immediately went looking through the fridge, as Dream's parents sat down on the couch turning the tv on and started talking ignoring Sapnap's complaints.  Sapnap heads back to his room,"Dream! You're family is here and they are so annoying! They just let themselves in after I open the door! " Sapnap said not in a good mood. "Why are they here?" Dream said sitting up. "How the hell should I know?" Sapnap responded back. "Fine,no need to get mad at me for not knowing. "Dream said with a sigh then gets out of bed then gives Sapnap a kiss,"Go back to bed okay,I'll handle this okay?" He said softly. Sapnap nods slowly giving a kiss back,"Sorry for being mean." He said apologetic.  Dream smiles ,"It's fine,I know you're not a morning person so no worries. I know you didn't mean it." He gives Sapnap once last kiss before facing his family.  "Guys,what are you doing here?" Dream asked them. "We're visiting you duh!" Drista simply said to her brother causing him to sigh. "Okay,I know you guys are visiting but why? It's like 7am! You could of at least warn me!" Dream said. His mother frowns at him,"We're sorry sweetly,we didn't mean to upset you. We'll leave right away and won't bother you again." She said with a hint of sadness in her voice. His father hugs her shaking his head at him disappointly,"Making your mother sad ,how could you." He said. Dream sighs then walks over to his parents,"I'm sorry,please enjoy your stay..I would love to have the company." He said to them. "Great! We'll make ourselves right at home!" His mother quickly said quickly becoming happy again. Dream yawns,"I heading back to bed,when I wake up we can hang out." He said just wanting to go back cuddling his boyfriend and giving him kisses. "Nonsense, you can spend time with us now! You're already up,so come sit down and talk with us!" His dad insisted .  Dream reluctantly sat down near his parents and talked to them about for an hour while getting stressed out because his sister was making his house a mess,he would tell her to stop but he knew his parents would scold him for it. "I'll make us some breakfast, you probably haven't eaten yet!" His mother said getting up quickly to make food. Dream sighed loudly,"Dad,how long are you guys going to be here?" He asked. "Untill noon then we'll be out of your hair,so untill then you're gonna enjoy this family moment!" He excitedly said then got off the couch dragging Dream along so that they could help his mother with the cooking. Dream helped with making the pancakes,his sister help with setting the table,his mom and dad basically flirted with each other while his mother made the bacon and eggs,Dream sneaks out of the kitchen without them noticing going back to his and Sapnap's room,"Hey baby?" He asked quietly then hears a hum from his lover and walks over to him,"We are making and  breakfast, would you like some?"Dream asked kissing Sapnap's cheek . "Can you make me a plate,I'll eat it later. When are you coming back? I miss youu." Sapnap whines causing Dream to smile at him. "Sure thing,and whenever my family leaves. I'll make sure to come back." He said making Sapnap quickly wrapped his arms around Dream's neck clinging to him,"I want cuddles nowww!" He demanded not letting go of Dream. "Sapnap,I can't forget about my family to just cuddle you." Dream said trying to escape from Sapnap but ended up falling on top of him. They hear a voice coming near the  door"Hey hone- Oh my goodness! I'm sorry if I'm interrupting something! I'll just make you two a plate,come down when you're ready!" Dream's mother said not looking at them then quickly leaves causing the two to stare at each other then burst out in laughter. "Since,my mother thinks we're fucking we can cuddle for a bit before going down to eat,does that sound good?" Dream asked.  "That's fine by me!" Sapnap said giggling as they got under the covers and cuddle for awhile before they got up to get some breakfast and hangout with Dream's family.

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