Bad in Good's clothing

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Skeppy was scrolling through some posts on twitter then immediately stops when he saw a post about GoodBoyHalo noticing his white clothes and quickly thought that Bad would look good in white and how it would match Bad's pure and innocent soul. He orders the outfit then within few days it came into the mail,and Skeppy immediately showed it to Bad. "Bad try it on! " The raven haired boy said excitedly along with shoving it into Bad's face."Okay Okay,I'll put it on stop shoving it into my face!" Bad said with a sigh and opens the package as he goes in the bathroom to change. Five minutes later Bad comes out wearing basically his outfit but it was white,"It feels no different,it's literally my outfit but white!" He said. "I know! You look so good in that!" Skeppy said now a fan of the color white ,"It brings out how soft you are. " he said letting out a giggle making Bad blush. "I'm not soft you muffin head..I'm hardcore and tough..." Bad said shyly. Skeppy put his hands on Bad's face then gives him a small kiss,"You may be a 'hardcore' dude,but you're my soft boyfriend and I love you." Skeppy said giving Bad another kiss to silent him so he wouldn't have to hear Bad arguing back .

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