🎈🍰birthday boi 🍰🎈

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George was streaming talking to fans as he plays minecraft as they wish him a happy birthday making him feel really happy, making his day even better.  He hears the door opening then gasp to see his boyfriend, Dream,holding a birthday cake that had a candle on it then walks in,"No way! " George said with a smile as he puts the stream on full screen so that the fans could watch was happening.Dream crouches down with the cake careful not to drop it,"Alright,everyone let's sing happy birthday to this amazing person right here." He said smiling, "one two three" he added before starting to sing happy birthday along with the chat,once the song was done George blows out the candle."Happy birthday, love." Dream said giving him a kiss then sets the cake down on the desk leaving for a moment before coming back with a knife and plate,he cuts the cake then places it on the plate and hands it to George."Thank you." George says lovingly at Dream. "No problem, I'll let you continue your stream in peace, I'm going to take a piece of cake then go and play with patches." Dream said kissing George before taking the rest of the cake and leaving the room.  George smiles,"Wow, this day has been amazing! Thank you guys so much!!" He said happily then hears a person join the call."HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE!!! I LOVE YOUUU!!" Sapnap said with energy. "Heh,thank you Sapnap. " George said smiling at him. "That's all I wanted to say,I'll talk to you later anyways have a good night dude!" Sapnap said. "You too." George replies back as Sapnap leaves the call. George continues the stream for a another hour before ending it thanking everyone that had come out to watch him and wished him a happy birthday.  He then gets up taking the empty plate and heads to the kitchen putting it in the sink to lazy to wash it, and goes to his room where Dream was laying down while on his phone with Patches sleeping on him. George gets in the bed and kisses him,"Thank you for the cake it was good. " he said giving him a kiss. "You're welcome baby,I'm glad you had a great birthday. " Dream said with a smile then kisses his boyfriend back. George suggles close to his boyfriend,"I love you." He said intertwining his fingers his his boyfriend.  Dream sets his phone down and rests his forehead on George's then kisses him once more,"I love you too." He replies.

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