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Sapnap stared down at the bottle of poison that was in front of him, wondering if he should drink it or not. He had a tough week his two bestfriends had gotten married and now they acted like he doesn't even exist anymore. They stopped talking to him all together and when he tried to call them he had gotten a feeling that they just ignore him and continue on with their lives because they never answered their phones. Sapnap felt lonely and he hated that feeling,he sighed opening the bottle as the door quickly swung. Bad came running towards Sapnap quickly taking the bottle of Poison away from him,"What do you think you're doing?!" He said to Sapnap who doesn't respond. Bad sighed putting the top back on and sat down next to Sapnap,"Wanna talk about it?" He asked. Sapnap sighed and looked away,"I just feel lonely,and my best friends aren't talking to me anymore.." he answers.  Bad frowns at the other,"So you decided to kill yourself because of it? Suicide is never the answer,go to them in person and talk things out. I'll even talk to George and Dream about this." Bad said. "Yeahh,I guess you're right about that.." Sapnap said getting up. Bad gets up as well then gives Sapnap a tight hug,"You're never alone. You have other friends to talk to,and you have me. I'm always here for you,dont try to kill yourself again you muffin head." He said. The other man hugs back ,"Thank you.." Sapnap said with a smile.

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