Cinnamon Maple Kiss

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Sapnap and Dream were eating breakfast together they were eating maple cinnamon pancakes with some maple syrup on them. "Wow I never realized  how much of a good cook you were ,you usually burn stuff." Dream said jokingly. " I may burn stuff but pancakes are my specialty,also I'm glad you like them!" Sapnap said with a smile. He takes a piece of pancake and eats it getting some syrup onto him,"Can you hand me a napkin?" He asked Dream. "I can do you one better." Dream said then gives Sapnap a kiss then licks away the syrup that was on him. Sapnap then purposely spills some syrup onto his lower parts of his body,"Oh noo! I'm such a cluts looks like you're gonna have to  lic- I mean help clean me some more ." Sapnap said dramatically making Dream chuckled. "Yeah,I would love to lick yo- I mean help clean you up  ." His lover responded with a grin on his face.

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