Neko George

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I lost motivation in this sjsjs .

"Put them on!" Sapnap shouts. "Do it for us George! Please!!" Dream added making George's blush darken. "I'm not putting on cat ears and a tail!" The british man said refusing to put them on. "If you don't do it I'll make a potion that'll change you into a neko and it'll be permanent! Put them on or prepare to have ears and tails forever!" Dream insisted just  wanting to see his baby with the ears and tail hoping that he would do it. "You can't do that! That'll make me even more mad!" George exclaimed making Dream and Sapnap frown in defeat. "Fine,I'll wear the ears instead." Dream said then puts the ears on. "It's not the same!" Sapnap said disappointed. George let's out a groan,"Fine I'll put the stupid ears and tail on." He then takes the ears from Dream putting it on him. "How do I look?" He asked shyly. Dream and Sapnap give their boyfriend a big grin."You looks so cute!" Sapnap said hugging George as Dream dies the same thing."Heyyy,since you're out little kitty now will you call us master?" Sapnap asked earning a chuckle out of Dream. "Only if he wants to. We're not gonna force you,but you can if you want." Dream gives him a smile. Sapnap nuzzles George,"Pleaseee say it!" The raven haired boy said excitedly. "M-Masters....I love you ." George shyly said making his boyfriend's heart melt when they heard that.

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