🎃🎉Attending a Halloween party together 🎉🎃

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Geroge and Dream were invited to a halloween party that Sapnap was hosting Geroge was going to be a ghost but Dream wanted them to be cute and match together so Geroge got stuck with being little red riding hood while Dream was going to be the big bad wolf. Geroge blushes at the outfit  he had bought because it was alittle to short for his liking but he couldn't return it because the part was tonight and if he did Dream would whine and complain about it so he had no choice and was stuck with the dress.The party was arriving quick and Geroge was becoming nervous of how he looked in the dress along with what others would think of the outfit. He was lost in thought until he heard a knock at his door and thought that must be Dream then heads  to the door and slowly opens it to see Dream with ears and a tail that matched his hair color,he was wearing a green long sleeved shirt and some blue jeans along with a red spiked collar. George's face heats up when he see his lover,"Y-You look good Dream."he says shyly earing a grin from the other showing of his fake werewolf teeth. "You look even better." Dream said wrapping his arms around George kissing him as his hands begins slowly exploring up George's dress. Geroge yelps at the sudden touching but doesnt mind,"Hey Dreamboat..we gotta go to the party.." Geroge said quietly into Dream's ear making him growl lowly. "Fine..." Dream said taking hold of George's hand as they headed out of the house making sure to lock it then head straight to Sapnap's house .Geroge knocks at the door which Sapnap opens it then whistles at Geroge "Nicee outfit Georgie~" he compliments as  Geroge blushes in response . Dream growls at him,"Back off he's mine." Dream said pulling Geroge close to him. "Awww,so cute . Protecting Little Red so he could be all yours~" Sapnap chuckles,"Anyways come on in and enjoy the party. Skeppy and Bad won't be here because Skeppy got sick so Bad is with him taking care of him. " he adds stepping aside so the other two could come in. They saw that the party was very entergetic and lively along with seeing what their friends had chosen for customes Tommy was a devil,Tubbo was a Vampire,Wilbur was a pirate , Niki was a cat, Fundy was a fox ,Eret was Frankenstein,Quackity was a ghost because he wanted something basic to wear and something that was easy to take off ,Jschlatt was Beetlejuice,Techno went cosplaying as a king, and Purple was Pikachu . Geroge was impressed with some of his friend's outfits even compliment them then made his way to the punch bowl getting himself something to drink as he felt hands around him already knowing who it was,"Dream,why don't you go talk to the others?" He asked pouring him some punch. "I don't wanna especially if you're over here looking like this." Dream said into George's ear. "Dream,not now. Go enjoy the party and go socialize okay?" Geroge said hoping Dream would listen and do what was told but he didn't. "I wanna stay with you,stop pushing me away."Dream said kissing George's neck. Geroge sighed setting his drank down then turns around and wrapped his arms around Dream's neck ,"Ughh, you're such a pain sometimes." Geroge said kissing Dream."I know." Dream said smiling and kisses back,"Hey let's go in the backyard where we can have more privacy." He adds. Geroge nods,"yeah,sure." He said not questioning it before they went outside along with taking his drink with him. They sat down on the last step of the stairs,"Soo,why did you wanted to go outside?" Geroge asked sipping his punch. "Like I said,I wanted to be alone with you." Dream rests his head on George's shoulder wrapping an arm around him.  "Oh alright." Geroge simply said with a small smile. "God,you're so cute.." Dream fondly said and kisses Geroge passionately."Dream.." Geroge said feeling his cheeks heat up,"Why are you being so clingy today?" He asked earning a dramatic gasp from the other. "George! Can't your boyfriend kiss you and be clingy without being judge ?" Dream asked  pretending to be hurt by his boyfriend's words. "Finee,you're right. I'm sorry I was judging you." Geroge said rolling his eyes. "You should be." Dream said causing George to move away from him.  "Noooo! Come back!" He said pulling George closer to him then attacks him with kisses,"I love you." He said to him. "I love you too Dream." Geroge said with a small smile. "Hey George?..can I ask you something? It's kinda important. " Dream quietly said. "Yeah,what is it?" Geroge asked giving Dream his undivided attention. "I love you,and you know that. We've been together for what seems like forever.  We laughed and cried together.. We had our good and bad moments. We're always there for one another..What i  wanted to say is will you marry me? " Dream asked taking out a ring from his pocket. Geroge stared at him then smiles as tears came down his face  as he quickly hugs Dream,"Of course I will!" He said kissing the werewolf. "YES!!!" Dream said alittle to loud and attacks Geroge with kisses. He kissed all over his face and kept saying how much he loved Geroge. "Dream,cut it out with the kisses!" Geroge said giggling and smiling. "I can't! You literally just said yes!" Dream continues to kiss him. After five minutes of kissing Geroge Dream had finally stopped,"I love you so so much. I'm so happy you said yes." He said smiling.  "I love you too Dream." Geroge said as Dream slips the ring onto his finger then gives him one last kiss,"Alright, I think we been out here long enough let's go back inside."Dream said. Geroge nods as he and Dream gets up walking back inside while holding hands as they came inside everyone begins to cheer and clap for them,"WOOOHOO!!! THAT'S MY BOI!! CONGRATULATIONS YOU TWO!! WOO!" Sapnap screams at them then hugs them both tightly. "Wait?.. you guys knew about Dream proposing to me?" Geroge asked. "Yep! We all knew! Dream texted me about it and I couldn't help myself but mentioning it to everyone I invited sooo yeahh.." Sapnap said. "You're such a chatterbox  " Dream said jokingly.  "I know,also I better be the best man at your wedding!" Sapnap says. Dream laughs and smiles,"Yeah of course." He said. "Yess!" Sapnap said happily,"Alright,I'll leave you crazy love birds alone. Enjoy the party!" Sapnap said leaving Geroge and Dream alone. "Sooo are you gonna wear that outfit during our honeymoon?" Dream asked in a flirtatious tone.  "Oh my god,Dream!" Geroge said blushing. "Yeah,you're gonna say my name alot during it too " Dream said grinning at his lover who face turned a dark red color.  The rest of the night was Dream being lovely dovey with Geroge while people congratulate them and how happy they were that they were getting married.

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